Legal information

You are currently logged on to the Horizons du Lac hotel in France. You are therefore bound by its rules of use.


All information contained on the Hotel Horizons du Lac website, the largest castle hotel in France, can be downloaded, copied and printed, provided that the information is intended solely for personal use and is in no way used for commercial purposes; that the information is not modified, and that all copies refer to the copyright of the Hotel Belle Plagne.

Any other use is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of the Hotel Horizons du Lac.

All information accessible via this website is provided as it is.

The Hotel Horizons du Lac makes no guarantee, express or implied, and assumes no liability for the use of information contained on this website.

The Hotel Horizons du Lac is not liable for the accuracy or errors or omissions contained on this website.

The Hotel Horizons du Lac is not liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, resulting from any information contained on this website.

The user agrees not to transmit any information to this website that may result in civil or criminal liability and undertakes not to reveal via this website any information that is unlawful, contrary to public policy or defamatory.

Trademarks and Logos

The trademarks and logos featured on this website are trademarks of the Hotel Horizons du Lac. Their inclusion does not in any way grant license or rights to use of the said trademarks, which cannot therefore be used without the prior written consent of the trademark owner, subject to prosecution.

Right of access to personal data

Under the French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you are entitled to access, rectify and contest any communication of your personal information by contacting the Hotel Horizons du Lac.


Any dispute shall fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Marseille.

Hypertext links

Creating hypertext links to site is subject to the prior approval of the Hotel Horizons du Lac. Please address any enquiries to us at e-mail

Privacy Policy

Vacances Bleues Residence
SAS with a capital of € 1,913,371
Registered office: 32 rue Edmond Rostand – 13006 MARSEILLE
RCS Marseille 424 860 435 – SIRET : 424 860 435 00173
ATOUT FRANCE : IM013100146
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 56 424 860 435